RW 117 – WHOLENESS in Relationship: Beyond Projection, where True Love and Self Love Meet

“A projection is a very real thing. It’s real energy. If I’m projecting onto my man my adoration of him, that energy is like crutches holding him up.

My energy is supporting him. If I take that projection away, suddenly he’s without crutches, so it’s a terrifying moment in a relationship; he not only loses the image he thinks he loves but loses the powerful support of the projection.

Conscious women (and men) are pulling back the adoring projection. It hurts but it’s much healthier. It lets a man (or woman) be who he is, a human being trying to find himself, just as the woman is. It allows for real love.” – from Conscious Femininity by Marion Woodman

This podcast starts as a discussion of this quote, but turns to something march larger: what relationship, what love, true love can look like when we approach it from a place of wholeness.

This is where romantic love and self love meet and merge to allow all participants to be more fully, more joyfully, more divinely themselves. This is when love serves the highest good of everyone.

Sabrina Lynn also announces the long awaited 7-Day ReUnion Challenge*, in which we will do the work of becoming whole, and see how it ripples out in our careers, our relationships, and our life’s purpose.
* The 7-day challenge mentioned in this episode is now available as The ReUnion Experience online program with instant access and additional bonus workshops and resources.

Topics Explored in True Love – Episode 117:

  • Why we project, and how it can show us where we need to look within.
  • The difference between supportive & harmful projections.
  • What relationship without projection could look like.
  • How healing projection can lead you to a deep level of self compassion & self love.
  • The 7-day challenge mentioned in this episode is now available as The ReUnion Experience online program with instant access and additional bonus workshops and resources.


Watch the True Love video episode here…


True Love Show Notes (based on audio version):

0:00 – Welcome to ReWilding for Women! This podcast was recorded as a LIVE in our Facebook group, feel free to join us there for our LIVE next Saturday!

1:45 – The 7-day challenge mentioned in this episode is now available as The ReUnion Experience online program with instant access and additional bonus workshops and resources.

Beginning of the LIVE:

4:55 – Today’s topic is fairytale love vs true love, and how projection plays a part in that.

5:35 – This is an invitation to open self to really hear, receive, and reflect during this episode so you can access places you haven’t ever before.

Discussion of Marion Woodman’s Quote:

7:30 – Discussion of, “A projection is a very real thing. It’s real energy. If I’m projecting onto my man my adoration of him, that energy is like crutches holding him up.” 

9:40 – Discussion of, “My energy is supporting him. If I take that projection away, suddenly he’s without crutches, so it’s a terrifying moment in a relationship; he not only loses the image he thinks he loves but loses the powerful support of the projection.” 

11:40 – Discussion of, “Conscious women (and men) are pulling back the adoring projection. It hurts but it’s much healthier. It lets a man (or woman) be who he is, a human being trying to find himself, just as the woman is. It allows for real love.” 

How projections hold us back from experiencing self love and true love:

15:00 – What projections look like in relationship.

16:20 – What wholeness could look like in relationship.

20:35 – Self reflection: what expressions do I source from outside myself? Nurturer? Protector? Aliveness? Reliableness?

24:15 – Just because one has access to an expression, doesn’t mean they are always expressing it. But they can, and they can also receive it without distortion.

25:00 – Projections are often places where we have rubble in the line that is both blocking our pure expression, as well as our receiving of that expression.

27:00 – Self reflection: where are our internal feminine & masculine judging each other?

Markers of healthy vs harmful projection:

29:30 – Sign posts of unhealthy projection.

30:00 – Example: Adoration vs appreciation

32:10 – It’s not black and white. Sometimes projection serves and sometimes it doesn’t. It’s all about knowing what each feels like.

33:25 – Example of an art teacher who projected onto Sabrina in a way that served her, and helped her through a hard time in her life.

37:35 – Self reflection: what does it feel like when someone is projecting on to you, and it serves your highest self?

43:05 – Self reflection: what does it feel like when you project onto someone and you know it serves?

46:00 – What it feels like when you’re projecting and it doesn’t serve.

47:35 – How to tell we are projecting in a harmful way even when it feels like we are doing it with good intentions.

48:40 – What to do when you catch yourself projecting: have compassion for yourself! If you judge yourself, you will hide it from yourself even more, and never address it.


50:25 – We’ll be talking about this more in our Facebook group, feel free to join us there and invite your friends!

51:35 – If you liked this discussion, if you’re called to dive deeper, check out The ReUnion Experience


Welcome to ReWilding for Women!

ReWilding For Women is a sacred container, a resource center, a women’s circle.

It was created by women for women, to help us peel back inauthentic layers we have absorbed from the society around us. To guide us along the path of feminine awakening and soul reclamation. To teach us to trust what we already know…

That sacredness, that magic, that endless love comes from within, not from without.

If you’re new to ReWilding and wondering where to start, we have a 90-minute masterclass on the 6 Faces of the Feminine… that we would love to give you for free! Discover which faces of the feminine are calling to you right now.

Feeling called to dive even deeper? Check out our upcoming live events and current online offerings!

Huge love and thank you for being a part of the community!

Sabrina Lynn and the ReWilding Team