Awaken. Embody. Reclaim.

18-21 October 2019  | Invermere, BC, Canada


Dear Woman

The written word seems to fall so very short when I try to describe this incredible journey. In an effort to give you the best possible feel for this retreat, I've made this short video for you. I invite you to watch and listen from that deep intuitive place within. And if retreat is calling, I shall see you in circle in October!

With so much love,
Sabrina Lynn

P.S. This will be our last in-person event for awhile as we'll be taking some time off from traveling in 2020. So if an in-person ReWilding event is calling, join us!

An Invitation to Feel into Retreat . . .


6 Faces of the Divine Feminine

During retreat we'll open to the 6 Faces of the Feminine:

  1. Fierce Feminine / Dark Goddess – Bearer of the deepest truth, purest love and most potent transformations
  2. Lover / Tantrica – Keeper of deep, embodied tantric wisdom, sacred sexuality and divine union
  3. Medicine Woman - Guardian of deep seeded feminine mysteries and esoteric soul gifts
  4. Warrior – Defender of every aspect of the feminine; helps to set strong, clear boundaries within and manifest in the physical world
  5. Mother - Guardian and creator of life, not just human life but all creative projects and manifestations
  6. Mystic - Awakener to the divine mysteries and higher realms of consciousness

Union with the Divine Masculine

Once we've opened to the 6 Faces of the Feminine, we’ll invite the Divine Masculine within to step up and meet these powerful feminine aspects. The sacred masculine holds the key to unlocking the full potential of the feminine. Without this part of Self operating in a strong, healthy way, we have a hard time bringing our dreams into reality and cementing our creative endeavours in this world.

The Sacred Masculine helps us step into deep, fulfilling, intimate relationships that hold passion, equality and the deepest love. The weaving, balancing and uniting of the Divine Feminine and Masculine leads to ultimate healing and empowerment for a woman.

Stepping Into the Mysteries of the Sacred Feminine

In this deeply experiential retreat, we'll weave together a variety of practices from the sacred traditions of shamanism, tantra and astrology. We’ll use ancient women's practices to get past our rational-thinking minds, past our egos and into the depths of our beings - where the real power and magic lie.

We'll work with an extremely powerful archetypal embodiment technique once used in the ancient goddess mystery traditions to invoke and commune with our personal archetypes (or parts of Self). We'll also pull from a variety of other modalities such as meditation, energetic healing, goddess practices, womb awakening and archetypal psychology.

No previous experience is necessary!
This work is open to all women who are willing to journey into deeper realms of self. 

What's possible on this retreat

  • Reclaim your fullness and aliveness as a woman
  • Deepen your connection with your true self
  • Experience awakenings you've maybe read about but haven't experienced
  • Happiness, fulfillment, love
  • Deepen and enrich your relationships
  • Open to the kundalini process
  • Align more fiercely with your destiny / dharma
  • Clear old, unwanted thought patterns and letting go of old habits
  • Live more fully from your heart and soul
  • Heal traumas from this life, past lives and ancestral lines
  • Connect with your orgasmic energy in a deeper way
  • Experience stronger, more powerful, tantric-like expressions of your sexual energy
  • Weave, balance and unite your Divine Masculine with your Divine Feminine
  • Open to a heart-space of belonging, healing, trusting and love only possible in sacred women's circle

We know this sounds almost too good to be true but each of these is something we've either experienced first-hand or observed happen in the women of ReWilding.

soul purpose retreat

Program outline (approx.)

Friday 18 October

  • Arrive from 1pm – settle in and explore the area - it’s gorgeous!
  • 2pm: Opening circle
  • Experiential Workshop: Invoking the 6 Faces of the Feminine
  • Dinner (our first meal together)
  • Free time to connect or down time to process

Saturday 19 October

  • 8 - 9am: Breakfast
  • Outdoor vision quest to drop in (weather dependent)
  • Lunch
  • Experiential Workshop: Medicine Woman & Warrior Woman
  • 5pm Gather and debrief
  • Dinner
  • Free Time

Sunday 20 October

  • Movement workshop (optional)
  • 8 - 9 Breakfast
  • Experiential Workshop: Dark Goddess
  • Lunch
  • Experiential Workshop: Lover & Mother
  • Experiential Workshop: Mystic
  • Dinner
  • Fire releasing ceremony

Monday 21 October

  • Morning free time
  • 8 - 9am Breakfast
  • Experiential Workshop: Divine Masculine & Sacred Union
  • Closing celebration circle
  • 1pm: begin our journey home

** This is an approximate schedule as we operate on ‘Goddess Time’ during retreat, meaning there's a divine flow and unfolding that we honor when we start working in the energy of the sacred feminine.

The Power of Sacred Women's Circle

When women gather in sacred space, big magic happens. We come into rhythm with nature's cycles and deep feminine wisdom. We discover and open to the tribal sisterhood of support we've longed for. And from there, we find grace which heals and transforms as well as gives us strength to shed unwanted layers so that we can live more deeply, authentically and soulfully.

Here are a few words from others about ReWilding:

It’s like going on the most surprising and fulfilling adventure. Going to internal places that you imagined existed but you just didn’t know how to get there. They somehow all come together over the course of days to expose parts of self that my mind usually overrides." ~ Raelene 

“This weekend retreat has been absolutely transformative. I cleared and learnt more in a weekend of Rewilding than I have in 10 years of Buddhist meditation. That is in no way to discount my previous decade as it has been invaluable, but I think it has laid the groundwork for what happened over this past weekend." ~ Kylee

Who is ReWilding for?

  • Single women
  • Married women
  • Mothers
  • Non-mothers
  • Spiritual women
  • Non-spiritual women

This retreat is for any woman who wants to reclaim and rejoice in her true feminine power ... regardless of previous experience! The sacred energies we step into on this retreat rise to meet you exactly where you are on your path, no matter how 'new' or 'familiar' this type of work may be for you.


ReWilding and your life

When we open to our fullness as women the effects ripple out into our entire lives. Women participating in ReWilding have come into alignment with their deepest soul's purpose, opened to pleasure and bliss never before felt in their bodies, lost weight without doing anything different, attracted amazing partners, embodied a spiritual connection never imagined, healed ancestral lines and so much more.

This journey will transform your connection to yourself, to your relationships and to your life!


Taking Your Place in Circle

$1,850 USD per person

A $500 deposit holds your place with the remaining balance due 15 September 2019.


  • 4 days of deeply experiential ReWilding Practices
  • 3 nights accommodation (shared accommodation)
  • 9 delicious meals - dinner Friday, 3 meals Saturday, 3 meals Sunday, breakfast Monday plus a take-away lunch (all allergies and preferences catered for)
  • Snacks and tea around the clock
  • Free time in nature around our beautiful venue

Not included: Travel to and from the retreat centre, which is approximately 4 hours from the Calgary International Airport and 2 hours from the Cranbrook / Canadian Rockies International Airport.

Prior to retreat, you'll be able to connect with the other participants via our private FB group to coordinate rental cars or rideshares. If there is enough interest, we'll arrange a shuttle from Calgary or Cranbrook for an additional cost per person.


As a retreat attendee you'll also receive:

  1. Your current astrological birth chart, which includes the major feminine archetypes (most charts & astrologers leave these out!)
  2. Access to our private 'ReWilding Retreat' facebook forum for continued support after retreat. This is a private group only open to the women who are on this retreat.
  3. Follow-up supports and practices to maintain the momentum of your journey.

Our Retreat Venue

Bc Arial BarnBc RoomBc OutsideBc Ariel

Exclusivity (FULLY BOOKED)

Due to the powerful nature of this work, this retreat is only open to 18 women. Keeping the numbers intimate allows for our group to journey deeper and more powerfully together.

Details to Book

Your place in circle will be reserved upon receipt of your $500 deposit.

Deposit: Please note that your deposit is non-refundable. Balance payments are due by 15 September 2019. If balance payment is not received by this deadline, you will forfeit your registration and deposit.

Refund Policy: We appreciate that sometimes circumstances change. If you are unable to attend retreat for any reason, please notify us via email. Cancellation prior to 15 September forfeits your $500 deposit. Cancellation after 15 September forfeits 50% of the total price. No refunds after 1 October 2019, or for unused portions of the retreat, including but not limited to, missed meals or accommodation.


Please email our gorgeous Community Manager Malea at She's happy to help!

I'm honored and excited to take this deep, wild and transformative journey into the Mysteries with the women are called to circle!

So much love,

Sabrina Lynn


About the facilitator

Sabrina Lynn, founder of ReWilding for Women, has impacted the lives of thousands of women across the globe. She is one of the most passionate and deep-diving personal development trainers in the world.
Having taught in some of the largest organizations in Australia (Commonwealth Bank, Tourism Australia, UNSW, BHP Billiton, QBE and WNBN) she combines her common sense, down-to-earth approach with depth, wildness and raw power; which are the unique signatures of her ReWilding work. She facilitates at a depth where remarkable transformations, healings and openings in women's lives are a common occurrence.
Sabrina brings 10 years of teaching, facilitating, consulting and coaching experience into her work. She's studied, practiced and taught archetypal psychology, neuroscience, leadership, shamanism, energetic healing, meditation, astrology, tantra, physiology and mind-body connection.

More of what women are saying about Sabrina Lynn and ReWilding

"I found myself describing this work to a friend recently and all I could say was 'truly life changing'. ReWilding is the kind of work that nourishes the parts of you that hardly see the light of day. All the parts of you that get neglected or put to the side for a later time. It's the kind of work that once you step into it for the first time, you realize that you can never go back. You are finally home." ~ Anonymous

“Sabrina, I have to tell you. You have changed my life. I know. Big call. But it’s true! Rewilding, and more specifically the Katoomba retreat has changed me in ways I never knew could even exist! Something in me has opened. I am changed forever. There is no going back. I am so so so grateful for the work you do, I can’t even find words to describe it. I finally feel like I’m starting to be alive and I have this burning desire to experience more. So much love and gratitude for you Sabrina!” ~ Maya

“This weekend retreat has been absolutely transformative. I cleared and learnt more in a weekend of Rewilding than I have in 10 years of Buddhist meditation. That is in no way to discount my previous decade as it has been invaluable, but I think it has laid the groundwork for what happened over this past weekend. Sabrina, I see such a purity in you. You live the path that you inspire others towards. This is something you rarely see in teachers and I am deeply grateful to what you bring to the world." ~ Kylee

"Stepping into retreat space with Sabrina takes you to the deepest, rawest and unknown parts of self. You will shed parts of you that no longer serve you and completely recreate how you view your world. Sitting in circle, with your sisters, being held and heard, develops the deepest most loving connections that transcend far beyond the few days you will spend together. If it’s calling you, answer that call, and embark on the beginning of a powerful new journey into self." ~ Jo

"Retreat offered a space for me to reclaim the powerful medicine woman within me and to release all the clogged up anger and grief that my body had been afraid to let go of. I feel I have reclaimed so much of my sensuality and self-expression and I now have the most incredible tribe of sisters to travel this earth journey with. I’m so grateful to have unlocked the deepest recesses of my feminine power. If you feel drawn to attend, trust that instinct and gift yourself the time and space to meet a fuller, deeper, more authentic version of yourself." ~ Louise

"Retreat catapulted me to depths and heights I had not yet reached before. Being in Circle over numerous days co-creating a growing energy with a wondrous group of women was so beautifully potent - the intensity of the connection of love between us took us all deeper and higher than one’s mind could imagine. We held each other energetically, physically. I was once quoted as saying 'I’m doing this work because I don’t want to die without knowing the Fullness of myself'. Hand on heart, through my choice to fully immerse in Retreat, I found my Fullness and then some. I was 'called' and I followed the call of my own soul. SHE knew ..." ~ Nicole