RW 211 — WTF is Sacred Sexuality?! A Journey Into Feminine Sacred Sexual Power (Far Beyond Pleasure)

For any woman who’s ever wondered WTF is sacred sexuality is… this episode has got you covered!

You’ll receive tips to explore your sacred sex magic, try practices that get you started & hear about the potential of sexual energy to enhance your creativity, your relationships & your life!

This is classic ReWilding For Women… and you’re not going to want to miss it!



  • Follow your pleasure, follow what you’re avoiding! Why there’s more Shakti in dark (hidden) sexual energy 
  • How sexual energy is a raw, pure energy that we’re constantly limiting & blocking by thinking it’s just about orgasm & pleasure!
  • How your sacred sex magic can lead you towards healing, sacred callings & greater creativity (This is the energy that CREATES LIFE!)
  • Taking sexuality out of the little box we’ve put it into… into all areas of mundane life AND all areas of spirituality!



You don’t have to have a partner and you don’t have to consider yourself to be a “sexual” person to journey into the fullness of your sacred sex magic! This online workshop series is designed to awaken the mysteries of sacred sexuality within your own body! It’s so much more than sex, pleasure or feeling sexy. Discover how to meet the divine through your own body, your relationships & all areas of life!


🔥 Sign up here!



☯️ This November, take a tantric journey into the two most powerful energies a person can work with, the inner masculine & feminine! This 7-part workshop series is the lightning quick path to sacred union, the wild feminine & sacred sexual power! LIFETIME ACCESS! REGISTRATION CLOSES NOV. 22!

Don’t miss out! 👉 Details here.


Listen to “WTF is Sacred Sexuality?” podcast here

Topics Explored in “WTF is Sacred Sexuality?”:

(Times based off audio version).

  • This is an embodied journey: Soften & receive (0:00)
  • Practices for sacred sexual power (3:45)
  • The energetics of your sexual organs (9:00)
  • The power in our deep, hidden sexual fantasies (13:18)
  • How comfortable are you with your body? (16:15)
  • Finding sexual energy in your body (19:22)
  • How self-pleasure can help unlock sacred sexuality (23:53)
  • Why sexuality is not considered sacred (27:42)
  • The misuse of sexual power (32:34)
  • How to heal shame & embarrassment (35:30)
  • How to train yourself to tap into sexual energy (39:43)
  • The fuel for creating anything (44:47)
  • There’s nowhere sexual energy doesn’t go (47:36)
  • Sacred Sexuality & The ReUnion Experience (51:21)

You can leave a comment or question for Sabrina on the YouTube version of this episode.


Links Mentioned in this Episode


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I’m Sabrina Lynn, spiritual teacher, creator of The ReWilding Method for both men and women, and founder of ReWilding for Women. Over the past 15 years, I’ve taught thousands of people to REWILD and I’d love to have a conversation with you about how to be alive, awake & in alignment with your soul!

My channel will deepen your journey into body wisdom activation & embodiment, shadow work, feminine reclamation, the evolution of your inner masculine, the mystical union of the feminine & masculine energies within, alchemy & co-creation with the divine, soul mastery & sacred callings.

So much love to you!

💛 Sabrina Lynn