Warrior Goddess Awakening
Strength. Empowerment. Reclamation.
A ReWilding Online Workshop
Dear Woman
You know those times when you get thrown off center, your boundaries get watery or you find that you've compromised your inner self in some way? Or those times when you're searching for your voice, your truth, your courage or your confidence amidst a certain group of people or a certain situation and you can't seem to find it?
Our voice, our truth, our courage, our confidence, our center point and our healthy boundaries are all aspects of the Warrior Goddess. She plays a VITAL role in our lives; giving us the strength, discernment and courage to be who we are truly meant to be in the world.
As Warrior she's powerful, potent, discerning, focused and determined. When we harness our warrior energy we're confident, clear and have the ability to express our truest, most authentic selves out into the world. As Goddess she's wisdom, she's heart-aligned and she's unconditionally loving. When we reclaim our Warrior Goddess energy, we live in love-filled self-acceptance, compassion, and we have the ability to both hear and act on our innermost knowings.
The first part of awakening to our inner Warrior Goddess is allowing the warrior force to flow through us (we do that in part 1 of this journey). In that section of the workshop we invite this powerful energy to come alive within us.
The second part of awakening to our inner Warrior Goddess is to create a strong free-flowing bridge of energy between the warrior power and our own hearts (part 2 of this journey). This is the true way of the warrior ... balance and connected softness of heart.
The final part of the journey is to allow the full integration of her sacred warrior energy to flow throughout our entire beings, which will aid us in accessing our all-ness and giving us the courage to authentically express out truest selves out in the world. (Part 3 of this journey).
The journey into the warrior is calling I look forward to seeing you there!
So much love
Sabrina Lynn
P.S. Regardless of where you are on your path with the Warrior Goddess (maybe you're just starting out or maybe you've been life-long companions), the transmission of energy we work with in this workshop will rise to meet you exactly where you are and bring you to the next level of your own inner Warrior Goddess awakening.
Watch First - Introduction to Workshop!
You'll Especially Love This Workshop If You Feel Called To:
- Establish healthier/stronger boundaries
- Access deeper courage
- Find your voice
- Stand in your truth
- Manifest your deepest desires into the physical world
- Heighten your conscious integrity
- More effectively handle confrontations and challenging conversations
- Increase your self-confidence
- Deepen your alignment to heart-centered living
- Stay soul-aligned in your daily life
Here's what you'll receive:
- Preparation and Intention-Setting Video
- Three video workshop sessions 63 minutes of deep alchemical ReWilding practices and teachings that awaken you to the Warrior Goddess within.
- Part 1: Unlocking the Warrior Energy Within (23 minutes)
- Part 2: Opening the Sacred Heart of the Warrior (24 minutes)
- Part 3:Connecting With Your Full Power (16 minutes)
- High quality audio recordings in addition to video you'll also receive an audio recording for each session that is easy to download.
- Bonus #1: Deepening Practices downloadable pdf with 4 suggested practices to take you a bit deeper into the liberating love of the Warrior Goddess.
- Bonus #2: Supportive Playlist of 18 songs to support your journey into the Warrior Goddess, available via Spotify.
- Bonus #3: 'Opening to the Feminine Warrior Within' video practice led by Elise Heyward of ReWilding For Women.
- Bonus #4: 'The Warrior Goddesses' Lecture. A 50 minute video and audio recording of a ReWilding lecture discussing the aspects of the Warrior Goddess in detail.
*You'll have lifetime access to the materials so you can complete the workshop anytime, as often as you'd like. Plus all audio content is downloadable for your convenience.
Awaken the Warrior Goddess
Start Today!! Upon purchase you'll get instant access to the entire Warrior Goddess Awakening program, which means you can do it at your own pace and as many times as you'd like!!