The Sacred Lover
Awaken - Enliven - Embody
A ReWilding Online Workshop
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Awakening to the Mysteries of the Sacred Lover
Dear Awakening Woman
This powerful online workshop invites the mysteries, magic and wisdom of the sacred feminine lover archetypes (like Mary Magdalene) to awaken, to rise and to express through us into our daily lives. Using shamanic practices, archetypal accessing, visualization, energy practices and intention, we'll move into deeper realms of self and explore these 3 gifts the Sacred Lover holds for us ...
Snippet from the Feminine Mystic letter:
Her illuminating shakti is so very accessible to us ... we simply have to open the door to it. And opening that door isn't difficult. It doesn't take years upon years of silent meditation in a cave on a mountain. It takes a simple attunement, a simple opening, a simple shift in your energetic system.
And that's exactly what we do in this program ... we open the door to the Sacred Lover!
If the Sacred Lover is calling, I'm very much looking forward to taking this journey with you!
So much love
Sabrina Lynn
OPENING, HEALING & RELEASING - Opening our bodies, our hearts and our wombs to a more enlivened, love-filled, receptive, ecstatic and awake state of being
You'll Especially Love This Workshop If You Feel Called To:

- Feel greater aliveness and vitality in your body
- Experience a deeper awareness of who you are
- Feel more connected to your loved ones
- Enjoy flow, harmony and alignment in your intimate relationship
- Greater sense of wellbeing
- Create the quality of loving, sexual experiences that you desire
- Cultivate a deeper relationship with yourself
- Become more comfortable with your body
- Experience the depth of your heart and ability to radiate love
- Embrace the power and gifts of your sensual and sexual nature
- Radiate your feminine energy throughout your life
What women are saying about this workshop
"The Lover workshop showed me the path into allowing myself to receive. With Mary Magdalene's loving holding, I could let go; then Parvati went in and cleared the pathways, opening me up in ways I didn't know I needed." ~ Anika
"Amazing! So much awakened! A beautiful way to tap into different layers of love for self and other." ~ Ava
"A profound but gentle journey into what it really means to be whole onto yourself, to be able to hold yourself in love and compassion. A big take-away for me was how to show up for the people I love in a way that is neither draining nor a tradeoff." ~ Monica
Here's what you'll receive:
- Introduction and Preparation Video (7 minutes) How to get the most out of the workshop
- Three video workshop sessions 65 minutes of ReWilding practices to connect with the energy of the Sacred Feminine Lover. This includes opening to Mary Magdalene and/or Parvati.
- Part 1: (28 minutes) Awakening and Embodying the Sacred Energies of the Feminine Lover
- Part 2: (29 minutes) Invitation to work with Mary Magdalene or Parvati, Goddess of sacred union
- Part 3: (8 minutes) Bringing it all together, a conversation on how these practices ripple out into our physical relationships, our love lives and every other area of our lives.
- High quality audio recordings in addition to video you'll also receive an audio recording for each session that is easy to download.
- Bonus #1: Deepening Practices downloadable pdf with 4 suggested practices to take you deeper into the mysteries of the Sacred Feminine Lover.
- Bonus #2: Supportive Playlist of 18 songs to support your journey into the Sacred Feminine, available via Spotify.
- Bonus #3: 'Awakening the Goddess Hygeia' a 5 minute video practice by Elise Heyward
*You'll have lifetime access to the materials so you can complete the workshop anytime, as often as you'd like. Plus all audio content is downloadable for your convenience.
Awaken to the Gifts and Wisdom of the Sacred Lover
$47 USD

About the facilitator
Sabrina Lynn, founder of ReWilding For Women, has had a profound impact on thousands of women across the globe. She is one of the most provocative, raw and passionate personal development trainers in the world.
Known internationally for her unique workshops on spiritual growth, reclamation of the divine feminine and the awakening path that is unique to women, Sabrina has designed and developed remarkably effective transformational practices that address awakening in mind, body, and heart.
Sabrina brings 12 years of teaching, speaking, facilitating, and coaching experience to her work, having taught at some of the largest organizations in Australia. She has studied, practiced and taught archetypal psychology, neuroscience, leadership, shamanism, energetic healing, meditation, astrology, tantra, physiology and mind-body connection.
Sabrina currently hosts the popular weekly ReWilding For Women podcast and leads international audiences through ReWilding For Women workshops, retreats and online programs. Her audiences connect with her down-to-earth approach and often experience remarkable transformation, healings and shifts.