Journey Into the Lover Goddesses

Awakened Sensuality - Divine Feminine Flow - Heart Centered Living

A ReWilding Online Workshop

Headshot Circle 1

Dear Awakening Woman

Imagine for a moment that you have full access to the depths of your feminine essence, intuitive flow, heart-centered state of being and a vibrancy that radiates throughout your entire body. How would you feel? What would life be like?

Never before have we as women had more opportunity, more choice, and more freedom. As women we are now, more than ever, able to make choices to forge our own paths and determine our own destinies.

At the same time, with these opportunities come new challenges: the demands of life have created high levels of stress, pressure, disconnect, discomfort and dis-ease in women.

Our connection to our self, to our inner world, to pleasure, to nature and our intimate relationships has suffered. We are ever more disconnected from our biggest ally -the body- and as a result, we are missing out on a powerful natural resource for aliveness, wisdom and empowerment.

When we step into the energy and the practices of the Lover Goddesses, as we do in this workshop, we awaken our entire being to a more enlivened, love-filled, receptive, ecstatic and awakened state. From this place, we are able to explore and reclaim a fuller expression of who we are. 

This online workshop, and the Lover Goddesses, bring us into realms that allow for the exploration and reclamation of self. I invite you to watch the video above and if this journey calls to you, I look forward to walking alongside you into the awakening energy of the Lover Goddesses.

With love
Sabrina Lynn

Watch First - Introduction to Workshop!

You'll Especially Love This Workshop If You Feel Called To:

lover goddess
  • Embrace the gifts of your sensuality
  • Open your body to a more enlivened, receptive, ecstatic and awakened state of being
  • Soften into your feminine power
  • Live and love from a heart-centered place of intuitive flow
  • Cultivate a deeper, truer connection to yourself, others and the world around you
  • Open to the wisdom held deep within your womb and heart
  • Enjoy greater flow, harmony and alignment in your close relationships (intimate and otherwise)
  • Experience the depth of your heart and step into your ability to gift the world with it
  • Feel greater pleasure and vitality in your body
  • Radiate empowered feminine energy through all aspects of your life

What women are saying about this workshop

"The Lover workshop showed me the path into allowing myself to receive. With Mary Magdalene's loving holding, I could let go; then Parvati went in and cleared the pathways, opening me up in ways I didn't know I needed." ~ Anika

"Amazing! So much awakened! A beautiful way to tap into different layers of love for self and other." ~ Ava

"A profound but gentle journey into what it really means to be whole onto yourself, to be able to hold yourself in love and compassion. A big take-away for me was how to show up for the people I love in a way that is neither draining nor a tradeoff." ~ Monica

Here's what you'll receive:

  • Preparation and Intention-Setting Video 
  • Three video workshop sessions 65 minutes of ReWilding practices to connect with the energy of the Sacred Feminine Lover. This includes opening specifically to Mary Magdalene and/or Parvati.
    • Part 1: (28 minutes) Awakening and Embodying the Sacred Energies of the Feminine Lover
    • Part 2: (29 minutes) Invitation to work with Mary Magdalene or Parvati, Lover Goddesses of the highest order
    • Part 3: (8 minutes) Bringing it all together, a conversation on how these practices ripple out into our physical relationships, our love lives and every other area of our lives.
  • High quality audio recordings in addition to video you'll also receive an audio recording for each session that is easy to download.
  • Bonus #1: 'Sacred Sexuality and the Truth About the Lover Goddesses' a 40+ minute online workshop originally recorded August 2019 in our facebook group.
  • Bonus #2: Deepening Practices downloadable pdf with 4 suggested practices to take you deeper into the mysteries of the Sacred Feminine Lover.
  • Bonus #3: Supportive Playlist of 18 songs to support your journey into the Sacred Feminine, available via Spotify.
  • Bonus #4: 'Awakening the Goddess Hygeia'  a 5 minute video practice by Elise Heyward

*You'll have lifetime access to the materials so you can complete the workshop anytime, as often as you'd like. Plus all audio content is downloadable for your convenience.

Journey Into the Lover Goddesses Today!

Start Today!! Upon purchase you'll get instant access to the entire Lover Goddesses program, which means you can do it at your own pace and as many times as you'd like!!

$47 USD


A gifted facilitator of revolutionary women’s work and the world’s leading feminine embodiment expert, Sabrina Lynn is the creator of the groundbreaking ReWilding Method and founder of ReWilding For Women.

Sabrina's YouTube channel has had over 1.4 million video views and her podcasts have been downloaded over 2.2 million times. Her audience identifies her as a powerful and provocative thought leader, change maker and mentor who guides them by example to be alive, awake and in alignment with true self in every area of life.

With a global following of over 300,000, Sabrina has led more than 70,000 people through programs based on the ReWilding Method, a modality of healing that strips away the false, the deep wounds from early life, and the fears that hold people back, to reveal their true and unique soul light, and to build their innate capacity to shine it in the world in a way that’s most authentic to them.

For 15 years, her remarkably effective practices have taken participants in her programs beyond the conscious mind, into the deep realms of the body and psyche, where true, lasting transformation and empowerment lies. Now she can be your guide too!

Sabrina brings all of her research, knowledge and experience to this program, guiding you into the most profoundly, transformative embodiment work that can be found online!