5-Day Online Intensive

Living, Creating and Leading from Soul

23-27 March 2020 with follow-up day 4 April

Sabrina Lynn


Dear Woman,

For us at ReWilding, Feminine Leadership is creating, living and leading from Soul. It's also opening to the mysteries and the gifts of the full Feminine. This 5-day intensive is an extension of ReWilding Mystery School. I invite you to watch the video below to fully feel into this offering.

With so much love,
Sabrina Lynn

Replay of LIVE Announcing Online Program Details

An Extension of ReWilding Mystery School

In this program, we'll be following the deep, esoteric wisdom of the Feminine, which means we'll be working far beyond just the mental realm.

Of course, we'll go into logic, physical-world supports and tools but, make no mistake, this is an experiential, exploratory retreat where we'll be weaving together a variety of deep, esoteric wisdom practices that will take us past our rational-thinking minds, past our egos and into the depths of our beings — where authentic, heart-aligned Feminine power and wisdom reside.

No previous experience is necessary! This work is open to all women who are open to journeying into deeper realms of Self. 

What's Possible in This Program

  • Achieve a new level of confidence in Self and clarity of purpose
  • Live and work from more of your fullness and aliveness as a woman
  • Create a deeper connection to your destiny/dharma/highest calling
  • Clear old, unwanted thought patterns and habits that create unconscious upper limits
  • Experience creative awakenings and a deep, inner aliveness that fuels your work and your life
  • Bring deeper wisdom centers online and tap into wisdom far beyond just the mental realm
  • Live and work more fully from your heart and soul
  • Heal and release karmic knots, past life patterns and ancestral lines that are keeping you small or keeping you to playing it "safe"
  • Experience stronger, more powerful, tantric-like expressions of your creative/sexual energy
  • Increase your day-to-day energy and vitality

A Few Themes We'll Step Into

Watch the mini-workshop above to understand more

Authentic Expression of Self — Uncover your unique form and expression of Feminine Leadership.

Following the Energy — Follow the creative flow of the Feminine and open to other Feminine gifts that support leading and creating in the modern world.

Feminine Sensitivity & Receptivity as a Gift — How to work with (instead of against) your ever-increasing Feminine receptivity, sensitivity and intuition.

Heart & Soul Alignment — Open to the deeper wisdom centers and move into alignment with them.

Beyond Upper Limits — Illuminate shadowed aspects of the Feminine psyche to prevent self-sabotage and reveal our most guarded and hidden gifts.

Self-Care — How to physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually support ourselves as we bring our work into the world.

Focus Groups and Break-Out Sessions

We'll be creating specific explorations for each of the following expressions of Feminine Leadership. You are very welcome to join more than one break-out session, as some women will fit into multiple categories.

  • Women in Corporate
    All levels of corporate experience are welcome
  • Small Business Owners/Entrepreneurs
    Start-ups, small businesses and entrepreneurs of all experience levels welcome
  • Women Running Circles/Workshops
    Women facilitating Circles, workshops or retreats (both online and offline)
  • Women Running Families
    All family types and dynamics are welcome
  • Women in One-on-One Settings
    Coaches, therapists, body-workers and any other type of one-on-one work are welcome
  • Women Influencers and Creatives
    Writers, artists, bloggers, social media influencers, etc. are welcome

What Women Are Saying About ReWilding...

"I have changed, my life has changed, the world around me has changed. The shifts have rippled out to my kids, my work, my family… it’s been amazing!" ~ Trina 

"Our gifts and services started to rise to the top. Seeing other women transform delights me to no end. These women are kicking ass and taking names!" ~ Danielle

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

All Times in U.S. Pacific Standard Time 

Full Workshop Days M, W, F

  • 8 am - 9.30 am — Morning session 1
  • 9.30 am - 10 am — Break
  • 10 am - 12 pm — Morning session 2
  • 12 pm - 1 pm — Break
  • 1 pm - 3 pm — Afternoon session

Tuesday, Thursday

Integration and Supportive Zoom Call Days T, TH

  • 9 am - 12 am — Interactive Zoom Call

Saturday 4 April

Follow-up Zoom Session

  • 8 am - 11 am — Group Zoom Call

All sessions will be held LIVE at those times via zoom with replays uploaded to your member's area shortly after.

Program Investment

$1,900 USD per person


  • 5 days of LIVE online workshops and explorations
  • Lifetime access to member's area containing replays of all LIVE workshops, explorations and zoom calls
  • Additional resources added to your member's area
  • Private Facebook group for our Circle
  • $500 off voucher for (1) future in-person Feminine Leadership retreat (if we host one in the future)

All you will need to fully participate in this program is internet access. It would be great if you could be LIVE for all sessions but it is not a requirement. We will be putting all recordings up in your member's area as soon as possible.

Feminine Leadership: 5-Day Online Intensive

1-time payment of $1900 USD


This program is only open to the 18 women who originally signed up for the 23 March 2020 in-person Feminine Leadership program.


In order for this program to go-ahead we do need a certain number of participants in Circle, I don't foresee this being a problem at all but I wanted to be front about it. Also, being up front again, payments are non-refundable and non-transferrable.


If you have any questions, or if we can help in any way, please don't hesitate to ask! Malea, a member of the ReWilding team and a participant in this program, is happy to answer any questions about the program itself, payment or travel/accommodation-type inquiries. To start a conversation, please email support@rewildingforwomen.com.


A gifted facilitator of revolutionary women’s work and the world’s leading feminine embodiment expert, Sabrina Lynn is the creator of the groundbreaking ReWilding Method and founder of ReWilding For Women.

Sabrina's YouTube channel has had over 1.4 million video views and her podcasts have been downloaded over 2.2 million times. Her audience identifies her as a powerful and provocative thought leader, change maker and mentor who guides them by example to be alive, awake and in alignment with true self in every area of life.

With a global following of over 300,000, Sabrina has led more than 70,000 people through programs based on the ReWilding Method, a modality of healing that strips away the false, the deep wounds from early life, and the fears that hold people back, to reveal their true and unique soul light, and to build their innate capacity to shine it in the world in a way that’s most authentic to them.

For 15 years, her remarkably effective practices have taken participants in her programs beyond the conscious mind, into the deep realms of the body and psyche, where true, lasting transformation and empowerment lies. Now she can be your guide too!

Sabrina brings all of her research, knowledge and experience to this program, guiding you into the most profoundly, transformative embodiment work that can be found online!

More of what women are saying about Sabrina Lynn and ReWilding

"I found myself describing this work to a friend recently and all I could say was 'truly life changing'. ReWilding is the kind of work that nourishes the parts of you that hardly see the light of day. All the parts of you that get neglected or put to the side for a later time. It's the kind of work that once you step into it for the first time, you realize that you can never go back. You are finally home."

~ Anonymous

“Sabrina, I have to tell you. You have changed my life. I know. Big call. But it’s true! Rewilding, and more specifically the Katoomba retreat has changed me in ways I never knew could even exist! Something in me has opened. I am changed forever. There is no going back. I am so so so grateful for the work you do, I can’t even find words to describe it. I finally feel like I’m starting to be alive and I have this burning desire to experience more. So much love and gratitude for you Sabrina!”

~ Maya

“This weekend retreat has been absolutely transformative. I cleared and learnt more in a weekend of Rewilding than I have in 10 years of Buddhist meditation. That is in no way to discount my previous decade as it has been invaluable, but I think it has laid the groundwork for what happened over this past weekend. Sabrina, I see such a purity in you. You live the path that you inspire others towards. This is something you rarely see in teachers and I am deeply grateful to what you bring to the world."

~ Kylee

"Stepping into retreat space with Sabrina takes you to the deepest, rawest and unknown parts of self. You will shed parts of you that no longer serve you and completely recreate how you view your world. Sitting in circle, with your sisters, being held and heard, develops the deepest most loving connections that transcend far beyond the few days you will spend together. If it’s calling you, answer that call, and embark on the beginning of a powerful new journey into self."

~ Jo

"Retreat offered a space for me to reclaim the powerful medicine woman within me and to release all the clogged up anger and grief that my body had been afraid to let go of. I feel I have reclaimed so much of my sensuality and self-expression and I now have the most incredible tribe of sisters to travel this earth journey with. I’m so grateful to have unlocked the deepest recesses of my feminine power. If you feel drawn to attend, trust that instinct and gift yourself the time and space to meet a fuller, deeper, more authentic version of yourself."

~ Louise

"Retreat catapulted me to depths and heights I had not yet reached before. Being in Circle over numerous days co-creating a growing energy with a wondrous group of women was so beautifully potent - the intensity of the connection of love between us took us all deeper and higher than one’s mind could imagine. We held each other energetically, physically. I was once quoted as saying 'I’m doing this work because I don’t want to die without knowing the Fullness of myself'. Hand on heart, through my choice to fully immerse in Retreat, I found my Fullness and then some. I was 'called' and I followed the call of my own soul. SHE knew ..."

~ Nicole