RW 255 — August 20th Astrology… Week Ahead – Revelations & Intuitive Guidance Incoming!


💫 In this episode, August 20th Astrology for the week ahead – Revelations & Intuitive Guidance Incoming! We have more opportunities to dive into the shadows for revelations and deeper intuitive guidance this week. Vesta, keeper of the inner flame will show you your inner devotion and Virgo will ground it in! There’s also a Grand trine with Chiron, Mercury Retrograde and Mars for a grace-filled healing and gentle evolution of the inner masculine!


  • Insights are coming this week! Trust the Diving Timing.
  • How are you bringing light to your shadows? (Check out our workshops for guidance!)
  • This is a fated/destined time with a Yod pointing at Self & illuminating your inner devotion.
  • Contraction for the Expansion: Self-mastery is on offer so that you can wield your soul gifts!
  • Heal your inner masculine to let go of old belief patterns.
  • Shiva & Skatki have the potential to come into greater harmony!



ReWilding Your Shadow available now! Take this shamanic journey today. You can use this underworld journey to transform ANY area of your life. “I have many workshops from ReWilding and this might be my favorite!” ~ Maria 👉 Full workshop details here.


[REWILDING FOR WOMEN MEDICINE WOMAN WORKSHOP!] Awaken the mysteries and gifts of the Medicine Woman, let go of past life memories and family patterns, heal the witch wound. INSTANT ACCESS $47: 👉  Start today!



[REWILDING FOR WOMEN DARK GODDESS WORKSHOP!] The Dark Goddess liberates, transforms and loves with such ferocity that even our deepest, darkest energies and longest standing patterned ways of being don’t stand a chance. There is nowhere within our being, our psyche or our energetic system that She can’t access. INSTANT ACCESS $47: 👉 Start today!


⚡️REWILDING MEMBERSHIP: Living Close to the Bone

[REWILDING MEMBERSHIP: $59] Living Close to the Bone Join us in ReWilding Membership for our 2-hour Lion’s Gate Workshop PLUS receive exclusive member access to our Mercury Retrograde Deep Dive for this month (and 7+ hours of bonus workshops to support your soul journey!) 

START NOW: 👉  Details here!



[FREE HEART WARRIOR WORKSHOP] Experience what’s possible for yourself, in yourself, with this embodiment practice that’ll blow your heart wide open. SIGN UP NOW! 👉 Free Workshop!

Listen to “August 20th Astrology… Week Ahead – Revelations & Intuitive Guidance Incoming! podcast here…

Topics Explored in “August 20th Astrology… Week Ahead – Revelations & Intuitive Guidance Incoming! podcast:

(Times based off audio version).  

  • (1:56) Full Moon in Aquarius Square Uranus: WTF is going on?
  • (4:42) Deep Shadow work with Mercury Retrograde. Why are we doing shadow work?
  • (7:44) Descent for the Ascent
  • (10:48) Access your own unique genius and shine out into the world!
  • (14:39) Virgo, Feminine Earth Priestess. Ground it in so that you can embody more of your light!
  • (16:33) Weekly Theme Overview: a look at the daily astrology
  • (22:16) Vesta, Fire Priestess, shows you what really sets your soul on fire!
  • (28:50) Grace-filled healing and Masculine evolution with Chiron, Mars and Mercury!
  • (30:20) Shiva/Shakti revelatory dance to come into greater harmony!
  • (33:45) Wild & Wonderful Breakthrough energetics!

You can leave a comment or question for Sabrina on the YouTube version of this episode.

Listen to after “August 20th Astrology… Week Ahead – Revelations & Intuitive Guidance Incoming!:

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A gifted facilitator of soul journeys and a revolutionary spiritual teacher leading the way into New Earth sacred technologies, Sabrina Lynn is the creator of the groundbreaking ReWilding Method and founder of ReWilding For Women.

Her unique body of work, with both women and men around the world, centers around embodiment, archetypal journeying, sacred sexuality & sacred union.

ReWilding™ is a modality of healing that allows people to strip away the false and reveal their true and unique soul light,  building their innate capacity to shine it in the world in a way that’s most authentic to them.

Welcome to ReWilding! 💛