When Self-Improvement and Spiritual Growth Backfires — Episode 79
Full video episode here…
6:00 – The energetic vortex that the community emanates when we hold our online retreats and workshops.
7:40 – The Sacred Warrior — it takes Soul Stamina in order to radiate your truest Divine expression out into the world given the collective’s current state of consciousness.
10:40 – Honoring the perfection of who you are right now and the way the Divine wants to express through you. It is your unique gift to the world, and it’s available to you in this moment!
16:05 – Shiva or the Divine Masculine’s ability to love unconditionally. To love the parts of you that you find hard to love or hard to accept.
18:00 – Example of self acceptance — the Dark Goddess and the repressed places in sexuality being transformed by high, vibratory love, light and the freedom that results.
21:30 – The Both/AND concept — coming to a place in Self where there is BOTH the knowing you have more to awaken, open and heal AND the ability to fully open, as you are, in order to express yourself from a soul-aligned place.
25:30 – Free Feminine Leadership Webinar announcement — where we’ll share practices that help us step into a space of allowing our souls to express through us regardless of where we are on our path — see sign-up form below to join.
Free Feminine Leadership Webinar!
Join Sabrina Lynn for a 2-hour online discussion of the principles and practices of authentic Feminine expression, creation and leadership! This will include the "Soul Expression" practices we spoke about in the podcast! Register now to get full access! LIVE recording takes place on 25 February 2020 Pacific Standard Time.
More in-depth ReWilding here…
For more information on the KALI Online Retreat mentioned in the episode, visit the KALI Online Retreat Info page. OR if you want the in-person ReWilding experience, check out our upcoming live events on our event page.
Sign up for our bi-monthly newsletter for full & new moon astrology insights, along with announcements for workshops and retreats. And join our community on Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube where we are constantly sharing new insights and free knowledge!
*The ReWilding for Women Facebook group has been dissolved as the organization continues to evolve and adapt to best serve the moment.
Huge love and thank you for being a part of ReWilding!
Sabrina Lynn
I continue to be in awe of how in sync I feel to ReWilding for Women- It truly allows me to feel like I am in the right place doing everything in the best way possible to bring my deepest and truest work into the world. My name is Bree & having just come through the Kali retreat with a major transformation. I spent the past coupe of days feeling into what is next for me. I have already begun to make choices to connect in my community so with that I feel an inspiration to continue in the practice — Earlier this afternoon it felt right to order Warrior and Lover of the faces of the Feminine, when I happen to see the Podcast announcement in Instagram & thought , well let me check this out to feel in once more about my intuition on working Lover and/both Warrior together– Thank you!! the podcast was everything and more !! Also, signed up for webinar !! 🙂
Eeeeee… living it, Bree. Really and truly living it! Thank you for the inspiration! And I’ll see you on the webinar, dear woman! Much love to you, sister!
Thank you so much for putting this out there. It speaks to me 100% 💜💜💜