RW 119 – The Future of FEMININE RECLAMATION is Sexy: Interview with Kenlyn Kolleen

“Reclamation is about recovering lost parts of self, recovering the fullness of who we are. As we do that, we are including and transcending the pre-patriarchal feminine… Then we create what’s next.” – Kenlyn Kolleen

Last year felt like the year of the dark goddess, of destruction, of dismantling… And this year? The year of the sacred courtesan, of creation, of rebirth… Yum!

That’s how it feels to Kenlyn Kolleen and Sabrina Lynn at least! The host of the Divine Feminine Summit and the founder of ReWilding for Women weave an incredible conversation about the future of feminine reclamation.

It touches on everything from sacred sexuality, to reclaiming the divine masculine within, to manifesting, to surrender. This is not an episode to miss!

Sit back and let these two mystics take you to a perspective far beyond your ego, where anything feels possible, and maybe even probable.

(The 7-Day ReUnion Experience discussed in the podcast is now available as The ReUnion Experience online program with instant access and additional bonus workshops and resources).

Learn more and keep in touch with Kenlyn Kolleen here:

Kenlyn Kolleen’s website:

Divine Feminine Inner Circle:

Divine Feminine Sisterhood RISING (Facebook group):

Topics Explored in Feminine Reclamation – Episode 119:

  • How the feminine is reclaiming sacred sexuality
  • The necessity and desire for the divine masculine to evolve, within and without
  • Tips for manifesting with these potent & polar energies
  • Checkout The ReUnion Experiencedesigned to help us find inner feminine & masculine harmony!


Watch the Feminine Reclamation video episode here…

Feminine Reclamation Show Notes (based on audio version):

0:00 – Welcome to ReWilding for Women! This is the first time we are having a guest on the podcast! Kenlyn Kolleen is the host of the Divine Feminine Summit.

2:00 – The 7-day challenge that inspired this episode is now available as The ReUnion Experience online program with instant access and additional bonus workshops and resources.

2:30 – Leave us a review! Share this podcast! We would be so so grateful!

Beginning of the interview:

3:20 – Introducing Kenlyn Kolleen, her present work with the Divine Feminine Summit, her past work as a lawyer, and how it’s all led her to here.

9:20 – What Kenlyn has seen as the host of the Divine Feminine Summit, where she feels like we are headed in terms of spirituality and consciousness.

Kali Ma Introduction & Activation from the 2020 Divine Feminine Summit:

13:25 – Sacred courtesan, sacred sexuality, how we are going to make love, within ourself and too each other, was the theme of the 2021 Summit, and perhaps the theme of 2021…

ReWilding Sacred Prostitute videos: &

ReWilding Sacred Union podcast:

23:10 – Now the divine feminine is calling in the divine masculine, within and without. We need to heal the divine masculine within ourselves to manifest, to bring into reality, the shifts we are dreaming of.

30:55 – Teaching this work of manifesting, of co-creating with the feminine and masculine, is Kenlyn’s life work, and what she helps guide women through in her online group, Divine Feminine Inner Circle.

Divine Feminine Inner Circle:

Divine Feminine Sisterhood RISING (Facebook group):

41:15 – Learning the art, the dance, the surrender of manifesting, which always involves moving beyond our egoic desires and egoic limits.

51:15 – The past, present and future of feminine reclamation and human consciousness. We’re not going back to ancient times or ways. We’re creating a future no one has ever imagined before.

1:00:15 – The purpose and mission of Kenlyn’s current work: training feminine leaders, teachers, guides, so they can continue to spread the knowledge and wisdom of the divine feminine.

Kenlyn Kolleen’s website:

Divine Feminine Inner Circle:

Divine Feminine Sisterhood RISING (Facebook group):


Welcome to ReWilding for Women!

ReWilding For Women is a sacred container, a resource center, a women’s circle.

It was created by women for women, to help us peel back inauthentic layers we have absorbed from the society around us. To guide us along the path of feminine awakening and soul reclamation. To teach us to trust what we already know…

That sacredness, that magic, that endless love comes from within, not from without.

If you’re new to ReWilding and wondering where to start, we have a 90-minute masterclass on the 6 Faces of the Feminine… that we would love to give you for free! Discover which faces of the feminine are calling to you right now.

Feeling called to dive even deeper? Check out our upcoming live events and current online offerings!

Huge love and thank you for being a part of the community!

Sabrina Lynn and the ReWilding Team